Wednesday, February 10, 2010

'nanke vs Berlin

Bernanke testified to financial services committee
  • time to consider how to start tightening credit
  • large amounts of reserves -> less liquidity in fed funds rate; it's become a less reliable indicatior of the short-term money markets
  • reverse repo: US central bank borrows from short-term lending markets, removing liquidity, using its own securities for collateral
  • Could also increase the interest rate paid on reserves; banks would be less likely to lend
Berlin Bail out
  • Germany, others prepared to lend to Greece or buy sovereign debt
  • Greece has 28bn in loans due in April,May
  • PIGS: Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain: for the past years, they have incurred debts in a currency that was far stronger, and at much lower borrowing costs, than their old national currency. Now the bill is due.
  • Ireland: cut public spending dramatically, keep corporate taxes down: long-term gain from short-term pain

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bloomberg News Radio

  • Volcker
  • cause of financial meltdown: not prop trading. not hedge funds.
no doc loans (lending without doc)
went into securitization

underwriter paid to underwrite, (keep churing it out) sales to sell
inventory build - couldn't get rid of it
teaser rates in subprime lending

low interest rates - some other complacency
retail investors: will get hurt when rates rise in FI mutual fund

where are real prices? bought 1tn of mortgages - don't know real interest rates
bank of england stopped QE

ECB stops program at the end of year - problems with Greece
congress doesn't like the Fed being the market maker
start to unwind reserves
400bn up to 2tn in reserves
allow rates to normalize - what is the fair level?

I'd probably sell some Euro puts, too

  • 50% of Greek debt set to mature before 2015; UK is 32%.
  • France next? Borrowing at 8% GDP; only countries higher are Spain, Greece, Ireland
  • US Equity: eurozone sovereign debt overshadowed encouraging corporates
  • Possible positioning for a European Central Bank rate cut? Current intention is to keep rates steady.
  • 2007: 90% default of ABS CDOs (total market: 186bn); most toxic of assets; result of bad underwriting
  • Past few weeks have seen a shift out of the euro and into the dollar; by worries of the eurozone being able to fund their deficits
  • 7.6bn shorting the euro
  • Germany, France most well positioned to bail out Greece. Unlikely; Ireland has enacted its own reforms to dig itself out of its hole. Impact on European banks would be massive.
  • US: 1600bn projected deficit; Moodys will downgrade from AAA if economy doesn't grow; Credit traders give 5% chance of default in 5 years
  • Average maturity of US Debt: 4.2 years
create a fungible, liquid market for longevity risk
  • life insurance: hurt by young people who die too early and haven't paid enough premiums
  • pension funds: hurt by older people who live past expectancy

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Who is working in Europe?

Europe Problems
  • Portugal had troubled debt aution
  • Spainish economy in trouble (18.8% unemployment, up 5% from last year)
  • EU unemployment: 9.6%, (4% Netherlands, 22.8% Latvia)

  • Markit 5-year sovereign debt CDS higher than comparable corporate debt! Nuts!
  • 2009: 900bn equity raised globally; 41% increase from 2008; emerging markets were 60% of volume
  • Jan: 8.8bn leveraged loans sold to investors; compared to 39bn in all 2009. Prices have rebounded from low .64 (Dec 2008) to .93
  • Institute for Supply Management Index: up to 58.4 from 54.9; highest since Aug 2004; well ahead of expectations; led by strong economies (France, Germany)